
By default the .NET HttpClient will download the entire respones into memory before returning control to the caller. Which means if you’re processing data from the stream, your process won’t start operating on the stream until the entire response has been buffered into memory.

using var feedData = await client.GetAsync(feedUri);
using var reader = XmlReader.Create(await feedData.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync())

The default behaviour makes sense because the response is loaded into memory and the sockets freed up as quickly as possible. That’s probably best for most applications. However for the application I was working on (FeedMD - RSS/Atom to MD feed converter) if there’s no new posts near the top of the feed we decide to stop processing the feed very early on. I wanted to start acting on the stream right away.

In this case GetAsync accepts a second parameter of type HttpCompletionOption. If we update our code to pass in HttpCompletionOption.ResponseHeadersRead like so

using var feedData = await client.GetAsync(feedUri);
using var reader = XmlReader.Create(await feedData.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync(), HttpCompletionOption.ResponseHeadersRead)

Then GetAsync will return as soon as the headers have been fully read and will allow us to process the stream directly from the socket without the intermediate memory buffer.

Noticed an error or omission? Please look at submitting a pull request.