Kia Ora! Welcome to my small slice of the internet where I write about what interests me, most often that’s technology.


Debouncing input change event in Vue 3; wait until user stops typing

June 23, 2024
Ever needed to create an auto-complete that’s powered by an auto-complete API, or have a search field you want to automatically run without forcing the user to hit enter? Use this technique to avoid excessive traffic to your endpoints.

Multi-tenancy in ASP.NET Core 8 - Tenant Specific Options

April 21, 2024
In this post we will configure options on a per-tenant basis using the Options Pattern.

Multi-tenancy in ASP.NET Core 8 - Dependency Injection & Tenant Specific Services

April 13, 2024
In this post we look at how to have tenant specific services in a multi-tenant application in ASP.NET Core 8.

The One Billion Row Challenge in .NET

March 4, 2024
I just saw the one billion row challenge. I’m a bit late as the challenge was back in January but I thought it would be a fun exercise to try and solve it in .NET.

Multi-tenancy in ASP.NET Core 8 - Tenant Resolution

March 3, 2024
Can you believe it, just like that it’s been 4 and a half years since I wrote my initial series on multi-tenancy in ASP.NET and now ASP.NET Core 8 is out. In this post I revisit multi-tenancy in ASP.NET Core and take a fresh look at how I’d implement multi-tenancy today.

IndieAuth in ASP.NET

September 27, 2023
This is a long form blog post about how I added support for IndieAuth as an authentication method for a .NET 6 application.

Adding snake_case support to System.Text.Json

July 19, 2023
It’s not supported out of the box (yet) despite being quite popular (e.g. GitHub API) but it’s super simple to add if you need it.

How to upload a file to a GitHub release in a workflow

July 5, 2023
Spoiler alert: you don’t need an Action contributed by a third party.

Automated versioning and publishing of a SDK-style NuGet packages using GitHub Actions

June 26, 2023
In this article we look at the method of automating the NuGet packaging process using GitHub Actions that we used for GuidOne.

Upgrading to .NET 6 and Entity Framework table data annotation schema not working

June 23, 2023
After upgrading a .NET 3.1 ASP.NET Web Application to .NET 6 and Entity Framework from 3.1.1 to 7.0.8 the schema applied using the table data annotation was no longer respected
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